St. Joseph's Academy
St. Joseph’s Academy is a Catholic school under the direction of the priests of the Society of Saint Pius X, seeking to impart knowledge and critical thinking skills for success in this world and in the next.
According to the Catholic Church, the object of a school and of education is the formation of the perfect Christian. This means a balanced formation that has the perfection of the child in all spheres – spiritual, intellectual, moral, social and physical – as its goals. Since man is a creature of God in all these realities, every aspect must be subject to the motherly guidance of His Church. Unlike modern man and his obsession with his own subjective feelings and rights, we, as Catholics, seek the reign of Christ in all aspects of our lives.
St. Joseph’s Academy seeks this end for her students by striving to develop within them strong character based upon the timeless teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
This knowledge and love of the Faith is fostered by love of the Liturgy, the practice of traditional devotions and love for the acquisition of knowledge in a spirit of academic excellence which will equip the children to become productive members of our Holy Mother the Church and the society in which they live.
For more information on our Academy, including admission information, please visit our academy website.