Lay Apostolates at St. Joseph's
The SSPX encourages and organizes groups of zealous men and women around specific apostolic goals. These groups engage in a wide variety of activities, ranging from care of the sick and feeding the poor to prayer crusades to public profession of the rights of God.
Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
The Archconfraternity of St. Stephen is a guild established for the instruction and sanctification of altar servers. Please check the bulletin for information on the meeting schedule.
Coordinator: Mr. David Schy | Email
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Run by the priory to support the needs of retreatants and parishoners looking for traditional catholic reading material, sacramentals, and gifts. Store is open most Sundays after mass.
Coordinator: Mrs. Louise Rufo | Email
Holy Name Society
Holy Name Society (men's confraternity for promoting devotion to the name of Our Savior). The HNS generally meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, starting at 7:30 PM with a Rosary. Please check the bulletin for information on the meeting schedule. For more information, please contact the President through the email address of the priory office.
President: Mr. James Schiltz | Email
Radix is a Catholic young adult group geared towards the unmarried men and women (age 18-35) at St Joseph's and its surrounding mission chapels. The mission of Radix is the sanctification and formation of its members and Catholic action. For this purpose, Radix organizes events which promote a social atmosphere within the parish in addition to works to spread the reign of Christ the King. The group forms youth to be the leaders of the next generation by instilling in them a great desire to sacrifice and labor for Christ.
Chaplain: Fr. William Kimball | Email
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Militiae Immaculatae
The Militia Immaculatae, or Knights of the Immaculata, is a worldwide Marian movement for the sanctification of Catholics and the conversion of non-Catholics, under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Chaplain: Fr. William Kimball | Email
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Altar and Rosary Society
An apostolic womens group for the purpose of prayer, service to the parish, socialbility, and charitable works. Meets every first Saturday of the month following Mass. Please check the bulletin for information on the meeting schedule. For more information, please contact the coordinator through the email address of the priory office.
Coordinator: Mrs. Maria Diehl | Email
The Eucharistic Crusade
The Eucharistic Crusade is an apostolate geared to children from the age of First Holy Communion up to the teen years. The Crusader’s motto is entirely contained in these four imperatives: pray, receive communion, make sacrifices, be an apostle. Every month the Crusade offers its prayers, Holy Communions, work and sacrifices for one of the major intentions of the Church determined by Bishop Fellay, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X. For more information, please contact the coordinator through the email address of the priory office.
Chaplain: Fr. William Kimball | Email
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Third Order of SSPX
For the purpose of giving all Catholics a share in the spirit of the Society of St. Pius X, the Third Order of the Society was founded in 1980. It helps in personal sanctification by associating its members with the life of the Society, under the patronage of Pope St. Pius X.
Chaplain: Fr. Patrick Crane | Email