The Teens of St. Joseph's Church Aim to Set the World on Fire!

Source: St. Joseph's Church

During the past year and a half the teens of St. Joseph’s have been very busy in and around the parish.

For the most part, they were getting to know each other through fun outings, game nights, and helping out with various parish events. These included: banquets, cleaning of the church and priory grounds, sending contributions to the missions and raising money for different charitable causes. The end of 2018 saw the teens preparing and hosting Christmas Around the World. The goal was to raise money for families in need during the holiday season. Thanks to their enthusiastic participation and diligent work, the teens were able to meet and exceed their goals, making for a memorable Christmas for several needy families.

Recently, after much thought, discussion, and consultation from Father and the adult advisors, the teen group was christened Incendo. Incendo means to set fire. The teens now have a mission to go and set the world afire with love of God and neighbor. During the monthly get-togethers the teens will have opportunities to practice virtues, especially the virtue of charity. Father Kimball has recently started a monthly apologetics meeting which helps to expand their knowledge the Faith and gives them the tools to defend it. 

This upcoming year will give the members of Incendo numerous opportunities to foster charity through upcoming parish events such as: The St. Joseph Altar, the annual Easter Egg Hunt, First Mass banquets etc. To be a part of Incendoyou must be at least 11 years old, have a desire to learn more about the Catholic Faith, and want to be more involved with your parish.