A Living Rosary on Honor of Our Lady

On Friday, Oct 12, the parishioners of St. Joseph’s Church participated in a Living Rosary. This unique form of the Rosary was prayed on October 13, in honor of the month of the Rosary and the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima.
Men, women, teenagers and children all took part in this event by wearing scapulars of different colors to represent the various prayers of the Rosary. Fifty-three people wore blue scapulars for the fifty-three Hail-Mary’s; six people wore yellow scapulars for the Our Fathers; and six men wore red scapulars in the form of the crucifix.
The Living Rosary began with the blessing of a beautiful new statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Fr. Angele then led the members of the Living Rosary and the rest of the congregation in a candlelit procession carrying a relic of the veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Afterwards, the parish prayed the joyful mysteries of the Rosary inside the church. Those wearing scapulars stood in the form of Rosary circling the outer edges of the Church. Each person held an unlit candle and the candles were gradually lit each time Fr. Angele led a new prayer. This interactive way of praying the rosary unites the members of the parish and is a beautiful way to honor The Queen of the Holy Rosary. We must never forget the many graces Our Blessed Mother bestows on us when we invoke her name in this powerful prayer.