Fr. Director's M.I. Newsletter No.11
St. Joseph's Church

Fr. Stehlin, director of the Militia Immaculatae, has just published Newsletter No.11 for June which is intended to motivate Knights in this month of the Sacred Heart (whose feast day was Friday, June 8th).
It speaks of the following points:
- The union of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculata : "We must never separate what God himself has so perfectly united... everyone who can see Jesus sees Mary."
- The union of Mary with the Holy Ghost: " this union heaven is joined with earth... all uncreated love with all created love; it is the summit of love."
- He compares Mary to the Ark of the Covenant
- In each of the sorrowful mysteries, the sufferings of Jesus are repeated in the Heart of Mary
- We are instruments in Our Lady's hands, "to put all hearts into the heart of Jesus... to put all hearts into the heart of Mary" and in this way to answer our Lord's request: "My son, give Me thy heart!"
It also contains a link to a Powerpoint presentation about the story of the Militia Immaculatae. As this is a 90Mb file, it a few minutes to download, after which it can be opened. This source can be trusted.