Crusaders go Apple Picking

On Wednesday, September 19, the Eucharistic Crusade of St. Joseph’s Church went to Westview Orchards. We went on a hayride through the orchard, we passed by fields of pumpkins, and many different kinds of apple trees. We then stopped and picked a bag each of Gala apples.
When we returned, we sat at picnic tables under a long roof. Father Kimball led us in grace, and we had cider and doughnuts.
Afterwards, most of the Crusaders climbed a large haybale pyramid. I climbed to the top where I got scratched knees, and saw the entire orchard.
We were able to visit baby goats and their mothers, and the kids climbed all over me and nibbled at my shirt.
Lastly, we climbed onto a haybale maze and played tag, jumping from haybale to haybale until it was time to leave. We then collected our bags of apples, and away we went.
All of our cheeks were as red as the apples we had picked earlier, and it was clear that all the Crusaders had a very fun and exciting time!