At St. Joseph’s Church: Family Matters

Source: St. Joseph's Church

On Saturday, January 26, 2019 Fr. Todd Angele presented the first of several full-day conferences on marriage and the family. Almost 120 people filled St. Philomena Hall to hear six talks on topics such as “The Nature, Ends, and Goods of the Sacrament of Matrimony,” “The Plan for Success,” and “Raising the Titanic: Marriage Failure & Family Rehabilitation.” 

After providing the basics about the nature of the sacrament of matrimony, Father proceeded to give very concrete and practical advice. He spoke about the differences between love and infatuation as well as guidelines for Catholic courtship and dating. For those who struggle to make their family relationships peaceful and holy, solid advice was given to help to repair broken or faltering relationships. Lastly, on a positive note, Father Angele shared “98 ways to score points with your wife” and another list (not quite as long!) of ways that wives can work to better please their husbands.

The audience at the Family Matters Conference was surprisingly diverse. Married couples with grown children sat alongside newlyweds. Young adults not yet ready for marriage mingled with engaged couples. One thing was certain: everyone who attended left with a greater understanding of and appreciation for this incredible sacrament.